take my photo off the wall
if it just won't sing for you
'cause all that's left has gone away
and there's nothing there for you to prove
oh, look what you've done
you've made a fool of everyone
oh well, it seems likes such fun
until you lose what you had won
give me back my point of view
'cause i just can't think for you
i can hardly hear you say
what should i do, well you choose
oh, look what you've done
you've made a fool out of everyone
oh well, it seems likes such fun
until you lose what you had won
oh, look what you've done
you've made a fool of everyone
a fool of everyone
a fool of everyone
take my photo off the wall
if it just won't sing for you
'cause all that's left has gone away
and there's nothing there for you to do
oh, look what you've done
you've made a fool of everyone
oh well, it seems likes such fun
until you lose what you had won
oh, look what you've done
you've made a fool of everyone
a fool of everyone
a fool of everyone
*NME赞誉为『Rolling Stone与AC/DC的综合体』的墨尔本摇滚乐队耀眼处女作
*推荐曲∶Are You Gonna Be My Girl、Rollover D.J.、Look What You've Done、Move On
这是一组20出头来自澳洲墨尔本的4位年轻小伙子,所把玩出再掀复古概念的全新摇滚作品!『我们想要找回60及70年代的音乐感动,找寻其音乐的根源,那也之所以让我们每一次表演都会翻玩猫王的"That's Alright Mamma"!』Jet的团员如此说道。当音乐的历史演进到新的纪元,脚步似乎暂缓了起来,一些追本朔源复古摇滚文化,已如火如荼的延烧展开了起来,如同The White Stripes,The Hives,The Strokes,Hot Hot Heat,Yeah Yeah Yeahs┅等一票评价相当高的新生代乐团,他们直接了当的向20世纪60年代的风格取材,绽放Garage Rock与70年代Punk Rock的音乐魅力!
由Nic (主唱/吉他)与Chris Cester(鼓手)两兄弟为其核心,加上Cameron Muncey (吉他手)和Mark Wilson四人所组成的Jet,从小Cester便浸淫在爸妈所聆听的唱片世界中,尤其是Beatles,这也驱使他俩组团的意念,取了个The Boys为团名开始翻玩一些经典团的名作,其中并吸取前辈的精华,加入自己的创作概念中,杰出的表现,受到替澳洲於全球摇滚市场争光The Vines赏赐,应邀做他们巡回演唱会的暖场团!一曲相当率性的单曲"Take it Or Leave It"惊艳四座,立刻被NME赞誉是『Rolling Stone与澳洲的摇滚英雄AC/DC的综合体』!Jet瞬时形成各大唱片公司抢人的局面!终在花落Elektra后,率先推出安抚那些按耐不住期待的乐迷之先发EP「Dirty Sweet」,识曾相似的专辑名称是取自T-Rax的音乐概念!连滚石合唱团2003的复出巡回演唱会,都指定Jet作他们的开场乐团!